Note: The most up to date specifications are available on the dedicated ACRES / ACRES CP website under Non Productive Investments – Click Link Here
To control Bracken to maintain access and prevent spread into high value habitats.
1. All Bracken within the planned area must be rolled or bruised at least twice over the summer.
This NPI is intended for larger and more accessible sites. It is not suitable for small sites, steep slopes or areas with rocky outcrops or other obstacles. On smaller sites and those where access is more difficult you should apply for the Bracken Management (Strimming) NPI.
For the full details on requirements for this action you should read the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Specifications for Non Productive Investments.
You can find them by clicking here
Implementation Notes
First cut in Late May/ Early June before the fronds unfurl, at least two additional cuts to remove replacement fronds.
Additional Guidance
Good Locations:
Poor Locations:
There are a few big rocks on the land, can I give these a wide berth with the machine and tidy up with a strimmer?
Small amounts of tidying up with a strimmer e.g. around rocky outcrops is Ok, Larger areas should be applied for under the Bracken Management Strimming action.
Bracken is mixed in with Brambles and Blackthorn, Can I cut them all in early Summer?
No, as scrub clearance can’t be done in bird nesting season.
I have Bluebells coming up through the Bracken, can I still avail of this NPI?
Bracken often shelters woodland plants like Bluebells. Bracken dominated areas are bright in Spring and shaded by the canopy in Summer just like deciduous woodlands. If Bracken is removed these plants will be lost as well.
Why not consider planting a small woodland on these sites instead. The trees will shade the Bracken reducing its vigour and the new woodland will inherit the woodland plants that found refuge under the Bracken.