Actions Explorer

Choose your scorecard to see our recommended actions. These have been selected for their ecological importance and high value to the nature and specific habitats.
The additional filters below are only applicable to Grassland and Rough Grazing Scorecards.
Positive Indicators
Field Boundary Quality
Risk to Water Quality
Presence of Non Native Invasive Species

Refine further:

Level of Bracken
Sward Structure
Disclaimer: The list of NPIs generated by this filter are suggestions only. All other NPIs are available for consideration, subject to the limitations described in the specifications. Actions Explorer does not presently include suggestions for Winterage or Corncrake fields nor does it include Burren only or Corncrake NPIs, we hope to address this in the future.

Our Recommended Actions:

NPI Wild Bird Cover Strips

Payment Rate: €5.41/ m

NPI Conservation of Cultural Heritage Sites on Grassland

Payment Rate: €133.71/ monument

NPI Planting Small Woodlands (300 trees 0.09Ha)

Payment Rate: €2,309.20/ woodland

NPI Planting New Hedges

Payment Rate: €23.10/ m

NPI Planting Trees

Payment Rate: €31.17/ tree

NPI Riparian Margin

Payment Rate: €5.50/ m

NPI Planting Traditional Orchards 10 trees

Payment Rate: €1,302.61/ m

NPI Pasture Pumps

Payment Rate: €289.04/ pasture pump

NPI Solar Electric Fence Unit

Payment Rate: €257.50/ solar charger

Over 30 Actions Available.
Find whats right for you and your land.

The NPIs below are an example of the range available, ensuring you engage in the right action in the right place you should consult your farm advisor or visit the Department of Agriculture, Food & Marine’s website for full specification details.