Note: The most up to date specifications are available on the dedicated ACRES / ACRES CP website under Non Productive Investments – Click Link Here
NPI Swallow Nest Boxes
Nest Boxes provide nest site for Swallows and House Martins.
Note: The most up to date specifications are available on the dedicated ACRES / ACRES CP website under Non Productive Investments – Click Link Here
Implementation Notes
Placement is important, Swallow boxes go inside farm buildings. Don’t allow access for predators.
Good Locations:
Poor Locations:
Can I place multiple Swallow/ House Martin boxes in the same shed?
Swallows and House Martins are colonial nesters that prefer to nest close to each other. For that reason each application for this NPI requires that 3 nest boxes are installed in the same shed.
You can be paid for up to 12 Swallow/ House Martin boxes.
If Swallows do not use the box will I still get paid?
Yes, there is no guarantee that Swallows or House Martins will use the nest boxes. Make sure you leave a window or door open throughout the breeding season to ensure that birds can access the boxes and that the boxes are out of reach of cats and other predators. If you do this you will be paid for the action whether Swallows use the boxes or not.
Can I put a Swallow/ House Martin box and a Barn Owl box in the same shed?
Yes, but boxes should be located at opposite ends of the shed.
Can I put a Swallow/ House Martin box outside?
Swallow nest boxes must be located inside a building.
House Martin boxes must be located under the eaves on the outside of a farm building. Don’t place House Martin boxes on a south facing wall where there is no shade.
How long do boxes have to stay in place?
Swallow/ House Martin boxes must be maintained in place for the duration of the ACRES Contract.