NPI Wader Scrapes

Class of Action:
Wildlife Support
Grassland, Bog, Coastal
Payment Rate:
€265.28/ scrape

Note: The most up to date specifications are available on the dedicated ACRES / ACRES CP website under Non Productive Investments – Click Link Here

About This Action:

Feeding opportunities for breeding waders, also good for amphibians and insects.


  • Provides feeding opportunities for Wader chicks.
  • Good for frogs
  • Good for some aquatic insects.

1. Install a shallow pond maximum depth of 50- 100 cm
2. Make sure the banks slope very gently
3. Do not fence off the scrape
4. The pond can dry out in the summer
5. Do not locate the scrape near scrub, woodland, or hedges
6. Not suitable within 250m of a wind turbine.

  • For the full details on requirements for this action you should read the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Specifications for Non Productive Investments.

Implementation Notes

Locate away from scrub, woodlands, forestry and hedges. Birds feel safer and more secure where predators do not have cover.

Additional Guidance:
• It is recommended to have a varied depth to increase biodiversity with a maximum depth of 50cm to 100cm at the centre. 

 • Choose naturally low-lying areas where the water table is anticipated to be near the surface and will retain water within the field. Consider the location of a scrape with the practical management of the field in mind. Machinery access, movement of livestock and other factors should be considered. 

Good Locations:

  • Large fields where Waders are an objective
  • Cutaway Peatlands


Poor Locations:

  • High Scoring Grasslands
  • Small fields
  • Near Forestry
  • Near Hedges
  • Near Scrub or Woodlands
  • Near Overhead wires
  • Near Wind Turbines


Additional guidance and useful waterbird identification tips and survey information can be found on BirdWatch Ireland.

Will wader scrapes lead to increased risk of fluke?

No as these sites are very wet already with high liverfluke risk.

Can I put a wader scrape in a bog?

Yes, but only on cutover bog.

Can I put two or three scrapes in when I have got the machine?

Yes but a max of 5 per NPI plan.

What time of year should they be done?

Must be done by the end of February after approval has been issued.

Consider These Complimentary Actions:

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