NPI Conservation of Cultural Heritage Sites on Grassland

Class of Action:
Cultural Heritage
Payment Rate:
€133.71 / monument

Note: The most up to date specifications are available on the dedicated ACRES / ACRES CP website under Non Productive Investments – Click Link Here

About This Action:

To protect sites of historical or cultural significance on grazing land.

1. The monument must be on land that you manage and land that is part of your ACRES
2. The monument must be visible
3. You may be asked to control scrub and small trees growing on the monument. You can
only use hand tools for this.
4. You do not have to allow the public access
5. Even though the title includes grassland monuments on any type of land other than
tillage ground can be considered.

  • For the full details on requirements for this action you should read the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Specifications for Non Productive Investments.
  • You can find them by clicking here.

Implementation Notes

The monument must be visible and on the participants land. Avoid Soil disturbance, keep vehicles and heavy livestock away from monument. Scrub removal with hand tools only.

Additional Guidance 

• This action should be prioritised on monuments where active management is required for their long-term conservation. Scrub should be removed using hand tools only.

• In the case of Bracken, the ideal method is the manual cutting of growing fronds which causes the gradual starvation of the rhizome system. Cutting or bruising is best done around the middle of June and again six weeks later for at least three successive years. The use of vehicle mounted equipment is not recommended.

After woody vegetation has been removed, maintain the visibility of the monument by strimming ground cover within 3m of the exterior of the monument.


Good Locations:

  • Any Archaeological Monument visible above ground and on grassland


Poor Locations:

  • Monument no longer visible
  • Monument in an adjoining property even if buffer around the monument extends into participants land.

A ringfort is on a neighbours land but it is beside the boundary and the zone of notification extends into my land, can I avail of this action?

– No, the monument must be on your own land, the zone of notification or buffer extending into your land is not enough.

There is a monument marked on the map but I cannot see it, can I still avail of this action?

– If the monument is not visible on the surface then it is not eligible for this NPI.

Do I have to fence off the monument?

– No fence is required on most monuments. A fence will be required on masonry (stone) monuments to keep stock out of the interior of the monument.

Consider These Complimentary Actions:

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€272.06/ trap
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€23.10/ m
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€119.42/ ha
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€294.40/ box
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