NPI Culverts

Class of Action:
Water Quality
Grassland, Mountain
Payment Rate:
€476.22/ culvert

Note: The most up to date specifications are available on the dedicated ACRES / ACRES CP website under Non Productive Investments – Click Link Here

About This Action:

Maintain access across drains for people, livestock and vehicles, helps protect water quality.

  1. Install a culvert in minor drains to facilitates access by people, livestock and vehicles. 
  2. Minimum pipe diameter is 375mm. 
  3. Cover pipe with stone. 
  4. Not suitable for streams or large drains

For the full details on requirements for this action you should read the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Specifications for Non Productive Investments.

Implementation Notes

For small drains only, not suitable for natural watercourses or drains with large peak flows. 

A single large pipe is better than multiple small pipes.

Limestone rock or quarry dust should not be used as fill material for a culvert in a peatland. Lime can change the acidity of the water and in these circumstances may damage the peat and be harmful for aquatic organisms.


Good Locations:

  • Simple drains with few other drains flowing into them
  • Fords used by livestock and vehicles


Poor Locations:

  • In a Stream or River
  • Near an Archaeological Monument
  • Areas with Steep slopes
  • Deep drains > 30 cm deep
  • Drains with extensive aquatic vegetation,
  • Drains with long lived aquatic invertebrates
  • Channels with fish

Can I use a concrete pipe?

The pipe can be made of plastic or concrete.

Can I put a culvert in a small stream?

No, Culverts can only be placed in relatively small drains.

Can I use two small pipes instead of one large pipe?

No, smaller pipes are more vulnerable to blockages, a single large pipe is safer. Two pipes would be more expensive as well.

Consider This Complementary Action:

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NPI Riparian Margin

Payment Rate:
€5.50/ m