NPI Mobile Cattle Feed Troughs

Class of Action:
Habitats, Grassland Management
Winterage, Grassland
Payment Rate:
€59.22/ trough

Note: The most up to date specifications are available on the dedicated ACRES / ACRES CP website under Non Productive Investments – Click Link Here

About This Action:

Infrastructure for providing extra nutrients to animals used for conservation grazing.

Helps minimise the negative impacts of supplementary feeding.

  1. Supply a new heavy duty galvanised steel feed trough.

For the full details on requirements for this action you should read the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Specifications for Non Productive Investments.

You can find them by clicking here.

Move feed troughs on a regular basis.


Good Locations:

  • Burren Winterages.
  • Targeted grazing sites to provide dietary support to animals used for conservation grazing..


Poor Locations:

  • Scrub/ Woodland.
  • Near drains or watercourses.
  • Deep peat
  • Near stands of Heather or Sphagnum lawns or hummocks.

Is this action available outside of the Burren/ Aran islands?

No this NPI is only available in the Burren Aran Cp zone.

How often should I move the trough?

Trough should be moved every 3/4 days, the trough may need to be moved more frequently during bad weather.

The feed troughs are all are shown in one field on my map, can I move them around the farm?

Feed troughs can be stored or used on scored fields during the grazing period. They can be stored in other fields or sheds outside of the grazing period. 

Consider These Complementary Actions:

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NPI Repair of Traditional Stonewalls (2 sides)

Payment Rate:
€3.03/ m
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NPI Repair of Traditional Stonewalls (1 side)

Payment Rate:
€1.59/ m

NPI Mobile Feed Storage Bins

Payment Rate:
€175.20/ bin
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NPI Water Troughs

Payment Rate:
€290.66/ water trough