NPI Planting Traditional Orchards 10 trees

Class of Action:
Habitats, Cultural Heritage
Payment Rate:
€1,302.61/ Orchard

Note: The most up to date specifications are available on the dedicated ACRES / ACRES CP website under Non Productive Investments – Click Link Here

About This Action:

Protects native varieties of apples. Good for wildlife, useful sheltered area for a sickly lamb.

Whats involved:

1. Plant at least 10 native apple trees.
2. Plant at least 3 different varieties from an approved list
3. Fence off the Orchard from livestock
4. Protect from Deer and Hares
5. Control competing vegetation and replace failed trees.

  • For the full details on requirements for this action you should read the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Specifications for Non Productive Investments.
  • You can find them by clicking here.

Include at least 3 Irish varieties of apple, attend a training course on Orchard management if you can. Prune Trees for at least the first 3 winters. Use a tree guard to protect from Deer and Hares. Fence off to control access. Don’t let sheep into the Orchard until the trees are well established. Don’t let cattle or horses into the Orchard.

Additional Guidance: 

• Apples should be grafted onto MM106 or MM111 rootstocks. 

• Tying and staking must be monitored and adjusted when necessary to prevent the main stem twisting or the tree tie cutting into the bark. 

 • To aid establishment, the root zone should be kept weed free (at least within a one metre radius) for the remainder of the contract. 

• The use of low nitrogen chemical or organic fertiliser is permitted at the time of planting. 

• Apples require at least two compatible varieties for pollination purposes.

Additional Guidance including a list of eligible apple varieties is available in the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marines NPI Specifications for Non Productive Investments.

Good Locations:

  • Low Scoring Grasslands or Rough Grazing.


Poor Locations:

  • Where breeding waders are an objective.
  • Where Geese or Swans are an objective.
  • Winterage.
  • Peatlands.
  • Exposed coastal sites.
  • High Scoring Grasslands.

Can I plant other fruit trees like Pears in the Orchard?

You must plant 10 apple trees from the DAFM approved list of native varieties. This list is on the Specifications for Non Productive Investments. A link to this document can be found in the “What’s Involved Section” of this page.  If you wish to plant other fruit trees or bushes in addition to this that is up to you. 

Blackbirds and Thrushes love Red Currants so you could consider a few of these on the boundary. 

Material needed:

Consider These Complementary Actions:

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NPI Riparian Margin (Sheep Fencing)

Payment Rate:
€9.48/ m
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NPI Planting Small Woodlands (300 trees 0.09Ha)

Payment Rate:
€2,309.20/ woodland
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NPI Planting Small Woodland (160 trees 0.05ha)

Payment Rate:
€1,247.48/ woodland
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NPI Wild Bird Cover Strips

Payment Rate:
€5.41/ m