NPI Planting Trees

Class of Action:
Payment Rate:
€93.51/per group of 3 Trees

Note: The most up to date specifications are available on the dedicated ACRES / ACRES CP website under Non Productive Investments – Click Link Here

About This Action:

Increases structural diversity, provides habitats, fixes atmospheric Carbon and helps stabilise river banks.

1. Plant at least 3 native trees at least 3 different native tree species.
2. Control competing vegetation and protect young trees from livestock, deer and hares.
3. Don’t plant near neighbouring houses, overhead wires or railway lines.
4. Replace failed trees.

  • For the full details on requirements for this action you should read the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Specifications for Non Productive Investments.

Implementation Notes

Each action requires 3 trees to be planted. €31.17 per tree, but a minimum of 3 trees must be planted to be applicable. Native tree species only, Make sure they are well staked and protected from Deer and Livestock.


Additional Guidance
• Trees should be pruned annually to restrict them to a single leader.

• Fence should be placed at least 1m out from tree to prevent damage by livestock.

• Trees should be planted between November and March. Bare root trees should be planted as soon as possible after delivery.

• Planting holes for container grown plants should be three times as large as the root ball of the young tree.

• Soak the root ball before planting, tease out some roots from the root ball to loosen it before planting. 

 • A small amount of well-rotted farmyard manure or low nitrogen fertiliser can be mixed in with the soil used to backfill the planting hole. 

• Bare root trees can be slit, or pit planted. Trees should be planted in a vegetation free area. Clear the area prior to planting so plants are planted on a weed free area (less than 1 metre in diameter). 

 • Do not use a strimmer or herbicide to control competing vegetation, there is a serious risk of damaging the young tree. 

 • Use a mulch to suppress grass and other vegetation around the young tree. Two layers of corrugated cardboard covered by bark chips will suppress grass and weed growth for a growing season.

Good Locations:

  • Low Scoring Grassland or Rough Grazing fields.
  • In riparian buffer zones or stream valleys.
  • Field Corners.
  • In pockets of mineral soil in upland areas.
  • In stands of Gorse/ furze/ whins.
  • In Bracken.

Poor Locations:

  • Where Breeding Waders are an objective.
  • Where Geese or Swans are an objective.
  • Winterage lands.
  • Peatlands.
  • Exposed coastal sites.
  • Under overhead wires.

Can I choose any type of tree?

Trees must selected from the DAFM approved list of native tree species, you can find this on the Specifications Document for Non Productive Investments. See the “What’s Involved” section on this page for a link. 

How do I protect the trees from Deer?

A deer fence or  a barbed wire collar may be required if Deer are known to be common locally.

Do I have to prune the trees?

No, pruning is not required. However to ensure a well shaped tree in the future you should prune the young tree to leave a single leader at the top. 

Consider These Complementary Actions:

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NPI Riparian Margin

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€5.50/ m
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€2,309.20/ woodland
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NPI Planting Small Woodland (160 trees 0.05ha)

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€1,247.48/ woodland
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€23.10/ m