Big Week

Big Week ahead for farmer engagement across ACRES Breifne, ACRES Leinster and ACRES Munster South Connacht.

July 17th Dublin / Wicklow Mountains, Glendalough, Co. Wicklow at 6:00

July 17th Sllieve Aughty Mountains, Feakle, Co. Clare at 6:00

July 17th Stacks Mountains/ West Limerick Hills, Lyreacrumpane, Co. Kerry at 6:30

July 18th Slieve Luachra/ Mount Eagle, Ballydesmond, Co. Cork at 6:00

July 18th South Breifne, Bencroy, Co. Leitrim at 7:00

July 19th North-West Breifne, Glencar, Co. Leitrim at 7:00

July 19th Stacks/ West Limerick Hills, Templeglantine, Co. Limerick at 6:00

July 20th Central Breifne, Manorhamilton, Co. Leitrim at 7:00

July 20th Slieve Blooms, Kinnitty, Co. Offaly at 6:00

July 20thSlieve Luachra/ Mount Eagle, Cordal, Co. Kerry at 6:00

July 21st Slievefelims, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary at 6:00

For further information on any of these meeting please contact the Oranmore Office at 091 792865 or a local Project Officer (see website for mobile numbers).