Specifications for Non Productive Investments have been Published

The Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine have published the specifications for Non Productive Investments (NPIs) for participants in the ACRES Co-Operation Projects. This is a core part of the ACRES CP model, providing support for farmers to enhance habitats and develop farm infrastructure. The NPIs will help farmers to deliver higher scores and grow their habitat payments by supporting wildlife, improving habitats and enabling management directed at addressing environmental challenges.

Farm Advisors will receive training on how to apply for Non Productive Investments over the next two weeks. Immediately after that, farmers in consultation with their advisors will be able to formally apply for these actions. Because of the importance of ensuring that the right action is delivered in the right place, all proposed Non Productive Investments will be screened by the CP Project Team. Once authorised, the actions will be included on a plan that will be sent out to the farmer.

This is a big step forward.

For full details of the Non Productive Investments available to the ACRES farmer follow the link below.
