NPI Bracken (Strimming)

Some Common Questions

You can apply for this NPI but approval will depend on it passing screening. Cutting Bracken mixed in with Heather will be a lot harder as the Heather would need to be cut as well. Don’t be tempted to burn the Heather as Bracken is a fire adapted species and burning will make it more dominant.

You must cut the Bracken at least twice during the summer with the first cut between May 1st and June 15th and  a second cut 6 weeks after the first. If you miss these opportunities to cut the Bracken then the treatment will be less effective and you will be ineligible for payment. 

Cutting strong Bracken later in the summer also places you  at greater risk from ticks and toxins. 

Bracken often shelters woodland plants like Bluebells. Bracken dominated areas are bright in Spring and shaded by the canopy in Summer just like deciduous woodlands. If Bracken is removed these plants will be lost as well. 

Why not consider planting a small woodland on these sites instead. The trees will shade the Bracken reducing its vigour and the new woodland will inherit the woodland plants that found refuge under the Bracken. 

Class of Action:
Grassland, Mountain, Winterage
Payment Rate:
€835.44/ ha

For the full details on requirements for this action you should read the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Specifications for Non Productive Investments. You can find them by clicking here