NPI Hedgerow Rejuvenation

Some Common Questions

A hedge that is suitable for laying is typically very gappy at the base and may not be stock proof. Very old trees or trees with very thick trunks are unlikely to be suitable for laying. Coppicing may be a more realistic approach. Consult with the CP team for site specific advice. 

The purpose of coppicing is to encourage the plant to develop new growing tips very close to the ground. For this reason trees should be cult very close to the ground, cutting at 15cm above the ground would be a good approach.

No, the trunks of hedgerow trees suitable for laying or coppicing must be cut with a suitable saw. Trees that are to big to be laid using hand tools are unsuitable for this rejuvenation method.

Complimentary Actions
Class of Action:
Habitats, Grassland Management, Boundaries
Payment Rate:
€18.88/ m

Note: The most up to date specifications are available on the dedicated ACRES / ACRES CP website under Non Productive Investments – Click Link Here