NPI Planting Traditional Orchards 10 trees

Some Common Questions

You must plant 10 apple trees from the DAFM approved list of native varieties. This list is on the Specifications for Non Productive Investments. A link to this document can be found in the “What’s Involved Section” of this page.  If you wish to plant other fruit trees or bushes in addition to this that is up to you. 

Blackbirds and Thrushes love Red Currants so you could consider a few of these on the boundary. 

No, Cattle could do a lot of damage to the apple trees and would plough up the sward underneath.  To prevent this the Orchard must be fenced off from cattle. Sheep grazing is permitted once the trees are established and are adequately protected. 

That’s up to you, baking, eating or make cider. If you don’t do anything birds and other wildlife will enjoy them.

Class of Action:
Habitats, Cultural Heritage
Payment Rate:
€1,302.61/ Orchard

Note: The most up to date specifications are available on the dedicated ACRES / ACRES CP website under Non Productive Investments – Click Link Here