NPI Wild Bird Cover Strips

Some Common Questions

Yes, once it is at least 6 m from the top of the bank , if you are in a Freshwater Pearl Mussel area or in a High Water Status area the distance must be greater than 12 m.

These locations are unsuitable due to the danger to birds from traffic and the nuisance to residents from rodents.

At least one or more of these cereals: spring oats/ triticale/wheat/barley and At least two or more of the following: linseed, oil-seed rape, phacelia, fodder radish, mustard, spring vetch, lucerne, chicory, or birds-foot trefoil.

Yes you can but no pesticides or chemical fertiliser can be used. The site would need to be ploughed as herbicides cannot be used for pre sowing sward destruction. In an organic system you should only use the site once for this NPI before returning it to grassland.  You can of course use a different site the following year.

Class of Action:
Wildlife Support
Grassland, Crop Actions
Payment Rate:
€5.41/ m

For the full details on requirements for this action you should read the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Specifications for Non Productive Investments. You can find them by clicking here.