NPI Winter Stubble

Class of Action:
Wildlife Support
Crop Actions
Payment Rate:
€119.42/ ha

Note: The most up to date specifications are available on the dedicated ACRES / ACRES CP website under Non Productive Investments – Click Link Here

About This Action:

NPI Winter Stubble

Provides a food source for birds and small rodents.


  • Provides a food source for seed eating birds and small rodents in the winter.
  • Hunting opportunities for Barn Owl, Hen Harrier and Kestrel.

Two options 

  1. A ) Leave stubble in place until February 1st the following year  
  2. B ) Shallow cultivation within 14 days of harvest to encourage green cover 
  3. No grazing until February 1st 
  4. No use for herbicides or spreading of fertiliser or manure until February 1st.

For the full details on requirements for this action you should read the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Specifications for Non Productive Investments.

You can find them by clicking here.

Implementation Notes

Stubble must be left in place until February 1st.

Additional guidance 

• Barley stubble (particularly spring barley stubble) is more attractive to birds more than wheat stubble.

Good Locations:

  • Arable fields
  • Where Barn Owl, Hen Harrier or Yellowhammer are an objective

Poor Locations:

  • Non tillage fields.

Can I avail of this action on a field with a grassland scorecard?

No, this action is only available on tillage crops.

Can I sow Winter Cereals and avail of this NPI?

No, this NPI is only suitable for spring cereals, oilseed rape or linseed.

Can I make use of the straw incorporation scheme and avail of this NPI?

Yes, the Winter Stubble Action is compatible with the Straw Incorporation Measure.

Can the area be grazed with livestock?

Grazing is not permitted until February 1st the following year.

Can fertiliser be used?

Chemical or organic fertiliser cannot be applied to the stubble.

Can pesticides be used?

No, post harvest pesticides cannot be applied from harvest until the February 1st the following year.

Consider These Complementary Actions:

Play Video

NPI Planting New Hedges

Payment Rate:
€23.10/ m
Play Video

NPI Wild Bird Cover Strips

Payment Rate:
€5.41/ m
Play Video

NPI Wild Bird Cover Plot

Payment Rate:
€1,286/ ha

NPI Field Margins (3m)

Payment Rate:
€5.45/ m