NPI Solar Pumps

Class of Action:
Water Quality
Payment Rate:
€1,852.50/ pump

Note: The most up to date specifications are available on the dedicated ACRES / ACRES CP website under Non Productive Investments – Click Link Here

About This Action:

Provides a reliable mechanism for pumping water from a supply to a large number of water troughs.


  • Supplies water to water troughs in areas without a piped supply.
  • Helps you to increase your score and possibly your payments through improved grazing management.
  • Can improve your score by reducing the need for livestock to access a watercourse to drink.

1. Install a new Solar Pump
2. You cannot apply for support under ACRES and TAMS or any other scheme for this action.
3. The Solar Pump must supply water to troughs on CP land.
4. You can put the trough away during the winter, but you must keep it on your holding.
5. You must hold on to receipts/ invoices showing the serial number of the pump for the rest of your ACRES contract.

  • For the full details on requirements for this action you should read the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Specifications for Non Productive Investments.

Implementation Notes

Solar Pump can be moved around the farm. Solar pump can be stored indoors when no stock are on the land.


Additional Guidance: 

  • The pump should be suitably protected from livestock or wildlife damage.
  • The pump should abstract water from a watercourse or waterbody with an adequate supply – inadequate supply can lead to environmental issues, poor quality water supply and pump failure. 
  • Water troughs supplied by Solar pump NPI must not be located on or within close
    proximity to an archaeological monument or result in new or additional tracking of vehicles or livestock on or near a monument or archaeological feature. Ongoing monitoring will be required to ensure that archaeological monuments are not impacted upon. 


Good Locations:

  • Lands where a surface supply is available
  • Out farms
  • Lands with multiple water troughs


Poor Locations:

  • Where the surface water supply is unreliable or poor quality
  • Where only a small number of drinking points are required

How far will it pump the water?

Depending on the model, a solar pump can lift water up 15m vertically and pump it 1.5Km horizontally.

Can I put the solar pump in a shed for the winter?

Yes, a solar pump can be stored indoors when it is not required outside of the grazing season.

Can I move the solar pump around the farm?

Yes, the solar pump can be moved around the farm as required. It must be available for use to supply water troughs in a CP Parcels throughout the grazing season.

Consider This Complementary Action:

Play Video

NPI Water Troughs

Payment Rate:
€290.66/ water trough