NPI Bat Boxes

Class of Action:
Wildlife Support
Scrub/ Woodlands, Grassland
Payment Rate:
€56.43/ bat box

Note: The most up to date specifications are available on the dedicated ACRES / ACRES CP website under Non Productive Investments – Click Link Here

About This Action:

Provides roost sites for a range of Bat species.

1. Install new bat boxes in groups of at least three bat boxes per tree, post or building. The boxes in each location must face different directions. New bat boxes can be applied for annually and once installed must be retained for the remainder of the 5-year ACRES contract.
2. The location(s) of the bat boxes must be clearly marked on the map submitted. Each point drawn on the GLAM map represents 3 Bat Boxes.
3. Boxes must be installed at least 4m above ground level.

4. Bat boxes can be purchased through retailers or can be made. Box plans can be downloaded from appropriate CP websites or from your farm advisor. See design measurements and specifications in Figure 1. from the below link with instructions on how to build your own bat box.

For the full details on requirements for this action you should read the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Specifications for Non Productive Investments. 

Implementation Notes

Don’t locate near a Barn Owl Box. 

Make sure cats and other predators cannot gain access.

Locate the bat box in a shady place. Sunlight could cause it to dangerously overheat during the day.


Good Locations:

  • A shady spot.
  • Old buildings.
  • Woodlands.
  • Hedgerows.
  • Large trees.


Poor Locations:

  • Beside Barn Owl boxes.
  • Near Wind Turbines.
  • Beside artificial lighting.
  • Locations exposed to the sun.

Can I build a bat box myself?

Yes once the specification is followed.

Will Barn Owls eat bats? Can I put a bat box near a Barn Owl Box?

There is a very small chance of Barn Owls preying on Bats, so it would be better not to place a Bat box close to a Barn Owl box.

Can I place a Bat Box on a building?

Bat boxes can be attached to buildings other than masonry monuments, e.g. a castle. You should avoid placing them near artificial lights.

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