NPI Barn Owl / Kestrel Box

Class of Action:
Wildlife Support
Farmyards, Grassland
Payment Rate:
€294.40 / Box

Note: The most up to date specifications are available on the dedicated ACRES / ACRES CP website under Non Productive Investments – Click Link Here

About This Action:

Barn Owl/Kestrel Nest Box

To support Barn Owl and Kestrel populations.


  • Nest boxes provide nesting opportunities for Barn Owl and Kestrels.
  • Nest boxes can help Barn Owls and Kestrels access new habitats, increase their numbers and expand their range.
  1. Install at least 1 Barn Owl / Kestrel Nest Box 
  2. Nest Boxes can be in quiet open sheds or on large trees 
  3. Nest Boxes must be at least 3m up.  
  4. Avoid using Rodenticides. 

For the full details on requirements for this action you should read the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Specifications for Non Productive Investments.

You can find them by clicking here.

Implementation Notes

A quiet location is essential, Barn Owl nest boxes must be at least 5m up. If located in a tree it must be stout enough not to sway in the wind.

No more than two boxes will be approved in the same field or farmyard.

Good Locations:

  • Large Trees on Grassland or tillage fields
  • Quiet outbuildings away from the main farmyard.

Note: Attaching Barn Owl boxes to a masonry archaeological Monument, e.g. a castle is not permitted. 

Poor Locations:

  • Near busy roads or railways
  • In Forestry
  • In tall Scrub or Woodlands (large trees on the boundary might be OK)
  • Fields or Farmyards with two or more Barn Owl/ Kestrel boxes
  • High Altitudes

Why can I not have more than 2 Barn Owl Boxes in the same farmyard?

Barn Owls do not nest in groups or colonies. Providing them with two boxes gives them some choice but  is no benefit to Barn Owls by having any more than two boxes in the one location. If you want to install more than do so in a different part of the farm, they may be used by a different pair of birds. 

Why are Barn Owl Boxes not allowed near Motorways?

Sadly a lot of Owls are killed on busy roads and motorways. They are at risk not just from collisions but can also be knocked to the ground by the air turbulence from fast moving trucks and buses. Even minor injuries are invariably fatal as the bird will not be able to fly or hunt. For this reason it is best not to attract Barn Owls into areas where they would face greater risks. 

Can I make a Barn Owl Box myself?

Yes once guidance is followed in the specifications. A link to the DAFM Specifications for Non Productive Investments can be found in the What’s Involved” section of this page.

Can I attach a Barn Owl box to a building?

Yes you can attach a Barn owl box to a building as long as it is not an archaeological monument, e.g. a castle.

Do not place a Barn Owl box in a busy part of the farmyard. A quiet outbuilding away from the main farmyard would be better.

Consider These Complementary Actions:

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