NPI Fencing (Sheep Wire)

Class of Action:
Habitats, Grassland Management
Grassland, Mountain
Payment Rate:
€3.44/ m

Note: The most up to date specifications are available on the dedicated ACRES / ACRES CP website under Non Productive Investments – Click Link Here

About This Action:

Provides the necessary infrastructure for improved Habitat Management.

1. This action is for provision of new sheep wire fencing. This means new posts and new wire.
2. Do not attach wire directly to trees.
3. You cannot apply for support under ACRES and TAMS or any other scheme for this action.
4. You cannot use the fence to divide a field or to enclose previously open land.

  • For the full details on requirements for this action you should read the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Specifications for Non Productive Investments.
  • You can find them by clicking here.

Implementation Notes

To reinforce existing boundaries only. 

Use new posts and wire. Do not attach wire to trees. 

Avoid installing in peatland, rough grazing sites during the bird breeding season (March to August). 

Avoid installing on migratory Geese and Swan Sites in Winter. 

Do not hinder access to water courses for Otters.


Good Locations:

  • Field Boundaries on Sheep farms that are not stockproof.


Poor Locations:

  • Unenclosed land.
  • Where no there is no existing boundary
  • Along Watercourses where Otters may be present, unless appropriate safeguards are in place

I applied for a barbed wire fence, can I put in a sheep wire fence instead?

No, you have to install the type of fence that you applied for. If you change your mind you should withdraw the action and  apply for your preferred option during the next NPI application window. 

My advisor did not show a gap for the gate, will I get into trouble for delivering the wrong length of fence?

You must deliver the length of fencing that was applied for and approved.

Can I use this NPI for a fence to protect a new hedgerow?

No, protective fencing is included in the specifications for a new hedgerow and is paid for as part of the hedgerow action.

Consider These Complementary Actions:

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NPI Installation of Heritage Gates

Payment Rate:
€496.61 / Gate
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NPI Installation of Gates

Payment Rate:
€185.61/ gate
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NPI Water Troughs

Payment Rate:
€290.66/ water trough
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NPI Solar Pumps

Payment Rate:
€1,852.50/ pump