NPI Field Margin (3m)

Class of Action:
Habitats, Grassland Management
Payment Rate:
€5.45/ m

Note: The most up to date specifications are available on the dedicated ACRES / ACRES CP website under Non Productive Investments – Click Link Here

About This Action:

Creating buffer zones that enhance biodiversity along the edges of agricultural fields.


  • Provides extra habitat structure in improved grasslands
  • Allows grasses and flowers to produce seeds.
  • Can be good for pollinators.
  1. Fence of a 3m wide margin along a boundary with a permanent fence. 
  2. Do not graze or cut until September 1st the year after establishment.  
  3. After that you can graze or cut between September 1st and December 31st 
  4. Don’t use fertiliser or spread slurry or farmyard manure within the margin 
  5. Do not use pesticides or herbicides within the margin, except spot treatment for control of noxious or invasive weeds.

For the full details on requirements for this action you should read the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Specifications for Non Productive Investments.

You can find them by clicking here.


Implementation Notes

Avoid pesticide and fertiliser use in these areas; Growth can be topped in the Autumn.

Additional Guidance: 

• This NPI should be targeted to boundaries that are not adjacent to a water course. See Riparian Margins NPI for margins adjacent to water courses. 

• Appropriate management to create this essential litter layer is to allow the grasses to grow tall over summer in year one by not cutting or grazing so that this grass will then collapse in the autumn. Fresh grass will grow up through this and the following summer most of the first year’s growth will have died back and formed a litter layer. 

• Depending on the height of the litter layer after year one you may need to cut higher than 10cm. 

• Do not install in close proximity to a badger sett. 

• It is recommended to leave an access point when erecting fence to facilitate management of margins. When margins are cut, it is recommended to remove offtakes to reduce the overall fertility of the margin. 

• This action will have greater benefits if used to link up existing habitats on the farm such as hedgerows and wooded areas. 

• A field margin strategically placed in an area prone to runoff and erosion further up a slope may be beneficial in addition to a Riparian Buffer Strip or Zone closer to the watercourse. 


Good Locations:

  • Improved Grasslands


Poor Locations:

  • Scrub or Woodland Fields
  • Peatlands

Does the fence need to be permanent?

Yes, a permanent fence is required.

Can I strim or mow inside the fence?

The margin must be cut (Sept-Dec) or grazed in September from year 2 onwards.

Can I use herbicides inside the fence?

Spot treatment on noxious or invasive weeds is only permitted.

Consider These Complementary Actions:

Play Video

NPI Planting New Hedges

Payment Rate:
€23.10/ m

NPI Hedgerow Rejuvenation

Payment Rate:
€18.88/ m