NPI Planting New Hedges

Some Common Questions

The tops are cut of young hedging plants to encourage multiple growing tips. This will encourage the young trees to grow into a thicker more stockproof hedge.

Using strimmers to control competing vegetation is a very high risk approach. Strimmers could damage or kill the young trees. Try mulching or hand pulling to control competing grasses in the first couple of years after planting.

Yes, small amounts of well-rotted farmyard manure can help young plants get established. Don’t overdo it as it could encourage competing vegetation or lead to spindly growth.  

Complimentary Actions
Class of Action:
Habitats, Grassland Management, Boundaries
Payment Rate:
€23.10/ m

Note: The most up to date specifications are available on the dedicated ACRES / ACRES CP website under Non Productive Investments – Click Link Here