NPI Solar Electric Fence Unit

Some Common Questions

The minimum strength is 0.4 joules of stored energy. Larger areas will require more powerful chargers.

Yes, the fence is powered by a battery, the solar panel recharges the battery during daylight. A fully charged battery should last several weeks even if the solar panels fail.

Yes, the Solar Charger can be moved around the farm as required.

Yes, vegetation touching the wire will drain the power in the fence.

For optimal performance the solar fencer should not be located in a shaded area.

Yes the solar fence can be put in storage when not in use.

Class of Action:
Habitats, Grassland Management
Grassland, Bog, Mountain
Payment Rate:
€257.50/ solar charger

Note: The most up to date specifications are available on the dedicated ACRES / ACRES CP website under Non Productive Investments – Click Link Here