NPI Planting Small Woodlands (300 trees 0.09Ha)

Class of Action:
Payment Rate:
€2,309.20/ woodland

Note: The most up to date specifications are available on the dedicated ACRES / ACRES CP website under Non Productive Investments – Click Link Here

About This Action:

Provide new woodland habitats. Good for small birds, insects and wild mammals and helps sequester Carbon.

  1. Plant at least 160 trees for the 0.05 Ha option and 300 trees for the 0.09 Ha option 
  2. Select at least 4 native tree species. 
  3. Don’t plant trees near neighbouring houses, railway lines or overhead wires.  
  4. Fence of the small woodland from livestock and protect from Deer and Hares. 
  5. Control competing vegetation and replace failed trees. 

For the full details on requirements for this action you should read the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Specifications for Non Productive Investments.

You can find them by clicking here.

Implementation Notes

  • Do not allow livestock to access the new woodland. Adequate protection from Deer is required.

    Additional Guidance 

    • It is recommended that at least 4 species of tree should be planted with no one species accounting for more than 50% of the total. 

    • Planting trees near salmonid rivers require consultation with Inland Fisheries Ireland and additional measures to reduce sedimentation to rivers, particularly during spawning seasons (November/ December) and when eggs are in gravels (January/February), to protect these sensitive rivers, trees should be planted without the use of heavy machinery near sensitive watercourses to reduce possible erosion of soil. 

    • Trees planted in small woodlands should be located near existing hedgerows, scrub areas or woodland. These areas will support faster colonisation by woodland species of plants, insects and other animals. 

    • Do not remove existing trees, scrub or hedgerow to facilitate the tree planting action. In areas that are grazed, tree guards/barbed protectors must be used. 

    • All field boundaries must be maintained. 

    Additional Guidance is available in Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s NPI Specifications.


Good Locations:

  • Low Scoring Grasslands or Rough Grazing fields.
  • Beside existing Scrub/ Woodlands or Hedgerows.
  • On long established Bracken stands with Woodlands plants e.g. Bluebells.


Poor Locations:

  • Where breeding waders are an objective.
  • Where Geese or Swans are an objective.
  • Winterage.
  • Peatlands.
  • Exposed coastal sites.
  • High Scoring Grasslands.

I applied for a small woodland (0.09ha) but have had second thoughts, can I plant the 0.05 woodland instead?

– No, you must deliver what  was applied for and approved. If you are unhappy with your choice then withdraw the action and reapply in the next  window for your preferred NPI.

Can I use Willow cuttings instead of buying in all of the trees?

– No, the Young trees must be of Irish Origin or Irish Provenance and purchased from DAFM
registered professional operators.

Do I need to burn off the site with herbicide before planting the trees?

– There is no requirement to burn off the site.

Consider These Complementary Actions:

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NPI Planting New Hedges

Payment Rate:
€23.10/ m
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Payment Rate:
€496.61 / Gate
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NPI Installation of Gates

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€185.61/ gate

NPI Hedgerow Rejuvenation

Payment Rate:
€18.88/ m