NPI Repair of Traditional Stonewalls (1 side)

Some Common Questions

One side only is for boundary walls between two farms. In these cases each farmer only has control over one side of the wall and so each of them can only be paid at the lower rate. With Internal walls the farmer has control over both sides of the wall and is paid a higher rate.

Trees and Hedges are important habitats and should not be removed. They do however make it difficult to maintain a wall. Talk to your advisor or the Co-operation Project team for site specific advice on wall selection for this NPI.

No, locally sourced stone is preferable, be careful not to draw stone from the vicinity of a monument. Check with your local CP team for site specific advice.

Complimentary Actions
Class of Action:
Habitats, Grassland Management, Boundaries
Grassland, Coastal
Payment Rate:
€1.59/ m

Note: The most up to date specifications are available on the dedicated ACRES / ACRES CP website under Non Productive Investments – Click Link Here